Thursday, April 25, 2013

Murder Simulator?

I recently wrote a poem that describes my emotional reaction to the Boston Marathon bombing, and I thought it might be appropriate for the geek blog.  There's some great theological stuff around the Monkeysphere and Jesus' answer to that whole thing—but I think that will be it's own post somewhere down the line.  For now, let's just go with the poem...
The Blood on Boylston Street 
(Written 4/23/13, edited 4/24) 
I have shot and killed my fair share of Raiders.  I have no idea how many Moblin I have put to the sword.  I have jumped on the heads of more Goomba than I can count.  And I have slain Stormtroopers in thousands and Grunts in hundreds of thousands.  They say that I have been taught “to kill efficiently and to love it.”  They say that I am “an extraordinarily effective killer without…  any of the constraints or responsibilities needed to inhibit such a killing capacity.” 
They say I’m desensitized. 
I playfully commented on Facebook, “I don’t know, what’s happening in Boston today?” and the response was “Explosions.”  I mined my news feed for word from friend after friend, “Just letting everyone know I’m alright…”  I clicked the link and watched the raw video of the runners interrupted by a heavy thud and a ball of fire rolling upward into a momentary column.  I clicked again and saw the photograph of the otherwise empty sidewalk strewn with flattened chairs and painted thick with the blood on Boylston Street. 
I wept for people I have never known.
Be good to each other,
Rev. Josh

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